This week, while browsing DOTA 2 Workshop, we have managed to stumble upon two awesome looking item sets for Mirana and Lycantrophe. Each one of them features a list of seven items including Mirana's mount, in this case called a Celestial Starlight - Morcant, and Lycantrophe's true form, also known as Great Grey.
Mirana's Celestial Starlight set was developed by OniLolz and was described with the following words: "There is no brilliance seen in all cosmos which equates to the bloom of this purest shining energy on Nightsilver Woods. Emanating respect, elegance and beauty, is the most lordliness feared on penumbra of chaos. ". If interested, you can check out Mirana's newest set here below and support it here.
Still, if you would like to support Vladimir>the implyer's Lycantrophe item set visit the following link or check it out here below.
Now when we have managed to properly introduce you to both of those sets, could you let us know which one do you prefer the more?
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