Electronic Arts and BioWare are currently working on a Dragon Age sequel for next-gen systems. More details could possibly be unveiled at E3 2013.

Big news everyone!
As we are closing towards the beggining of E3 2013, more and more titles are being announced. While some of the games are being unveiled directly by their developers and publishers, some of them are just getting leaked through various different channels. While the best example so far used to be Mirror's Edge 2, now, we are happy to announce anotherElectronic Arts game.
Dragon Age III: Inquisition is the name of the product that was spotted earlier on Amazon's website. Listed to be released for Xbox One, the game is obviously the first known and confirmed next-gen title by BioWare.
Dragon Age III: Inquisition is the name of the product that was spotted earlier on Amazon's website. Listed to be released for Xbox One, the game is obviously the first known and confirmed next-gen title by BioWare.
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